
  Race: Immortal Keeper of Fire (maybe last of kind)

  Hair: Black

  Eyes: Violet

  Skin: Bone White


   Andromeda has the gift of Fire and, as an immortal, has had centuries to finely tune her skill. She is ruthless, merciless, and a black heart that has no equal...until she met King Felix.

 He was a Prince when they met, full of ambition and ideas of conquering that captivated her. Finally she had an equal, one with more promise than she had ever seen. Together they planned their future reign together, from planning Felix's father's death to the first dragon capture.

 Soon, only the elves stood in their way, but the King was growing older, weaker, and within two or three decades would die of age. To an immortal, that was barely a spot in time, and Andromeda was beginning to fear for her beloved. So she began to prepare, orchestrating a plan to save her matter the cost.

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